The internet was not built for you and me.

Considering that 60% of the world has never used the internet. For those of us who interact with the internet daily, if not hourly we cannot imagine what that would be like. That means that 40% of the world uses the internet, 40% is a failing grade.

But this is about who does and does not use the internet, because the internet was not built for you and me. The internet is inherintly broken, and fixed with duct tape and software that was written before many of the internet's users were born. The amount of knowledge needed to have a basic understanding of how the world wide web alone (internet != world wide web) we must understand security.

If you work in the tech industry or have intimate knowledge of how to keep yourself secure take your knowledge out and put yourself in the shoes of Jessica, an amazing piece written by @SwiftOnSecurity.

Go on, read it. I'll be right here

Now you get it, the internet was not built for you and me, or anyone else. It was not even "built", as the very word built implies a master plan. And something as massive as the internet is not planned. ALL early DNS records were hosted in a HOST.TXT on one master computer. HTML was written by an engineer physicist, thus inventing the very idea of a "web developer"!
I have to say that now I regret that the syntax is so clumsy. I would like to be just written http:com/example/foo/bar/baz where the client would figure out that existed and was the server to contact. But it is too late now. It turned out the shorthand "//" is rarely used and so we could dispense with the "//".
-Tim Berners-Lee

This is the guy who made McAfee Antivirus [NSFW]

The internet was never meant to serve 1% of the people it does now, and there are still 60% of us not using it. The next 20 years of changes to the internet will be a fun one.