Must Have: Mac OS X Applications

Whether you're a programmer, or just the average user these Mac OS X applications will improve your experience with OS X.

Note: Applications are free unless noted otherwise

Browser - Google Chrome, Firefox
Text Editor - Sublime Text ($70), Atom
Music - Spotify
Notes - SimpleNote, Evernote
Media Player - VLC
Communication - Skype
File Syncing - Dropbox
App Uninstaller - AppCleaner
Screen Dimmer - Flux

If you have any apps that you would like to suggest, tell us down in the comments below!

Terminal - iTerm 2
FTP - Transmit ($34)
Text Editor - Sublime Text ($70), Atom
Virtualization - VirtualBox
Git - GitHub for Mac
SQL - SequalPro

If you have any apps that you would like to suggest, tell us down in the comments below!