Crazy Times

As if moving back to college wasn't enough to make my head spin I decided to launch a project I've been working on for many months.

BoilerBazaar will be launching August 28th, 2014.

After months of redesigns, coding, blood, sweat, tears, and many many doubts I am finally doing it. I'm launching. I've dreaded this day even before I had a working version of BoilerBazaar. I feared failing so bad that I almost gave up and never launched. But then I realized that if I stop for fear of failing, I did fail!

So without further ado, I'm launching!!!!

Special thanks goes out to my parents, my friends, and everyone who has helped me along the way, you know who you are. None of this would have been possible without your support, from the bottom of my heart. Thank you.

This year is my first time living outside of the dorms here at Purdue. I'm living in an upscale apartment building so close to campus that it takes me less than five minutes to get to class. It's a hell of an upgrade from the dorms I was in last year.